Category: Software

While customer identity verification has always been a basic policy among banks and other financial institutions, it is now a mandatory e-commerce requirement. The need to know, and not just verify the credentials presented by a customer is now the better practice. Mainly because of the global nature of the financial transactions that bring money […]

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When talking about programming, the words that we immediately associate with it are codes and software development. The terms that already tell us that programming is not like  knotless braids that you can purchase anytime. But if one would like to take the “challenge”, dig in and believe that you can through the following: If […]

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More and more television is broadcast via IPTV and less and less via cable or satellite. IPTV app: Brief introduction IPTV apps are empty shells that cannot stream content without user input. It is your responsibility to add playlists, channels, and other sources. Usually, you can’t use these apps to watch Hulu, Netflix, or any […]

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Streaming platforms have their benefits and specs. I am not only talking about the giant streaming platform like Netflix or Watched app. You must determine which platform is the best choice according to your preferences and requirements. Let’s look at these platforms individually. If you also want to know how gaming impacts your kids, just […]

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The design principles of presentations are constantly evolving. The design of the PowerPoint presentations and the performance of the speaker must always be adapted to current requirements especially if the presentation is about new software or program. The only constant is change. This also applies to professional presentations. In some cases, developments are progressing so […]

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