If there’s something that you’d clearly observe in the world today, it is the undeniable fact that technology never seems to slow down. In fact, it only keeps on improving that almost every quarter or half a year, new innovations are introduced.
Behind the Scenes of our Hi-Tech World and Free Twitch Followers
It’s not really surprising. Technology has touched our lives and made it easier in so many ways from the way we do our jobs, finding transportation, getting a date, or even acquiring free Twitch followers! You read it right; there are numerous streamers on Twitch that download or use plugins that enable them to have a continuous stream of followers to their channel and make even more money.
But what people don’t know, in every chart, layout, image, picture, video and whatnot, there’s someone behind who has written the code to make it look like how we see it. And this is an awesome reason why learning programming is nice.
Job Security
Like it or not, we are living in the technological age. Thus, don’t expect technological development and growth will stop anytime soon. As the consumption of technological devices keeps growing annually, it creates more demand for experienced and talented programmers. As a matter of fact, statistical studies show that jobs similar to web developing, software development, computer system analysts are expected to see a 9 to 21 percent growth in job acquisition.
What School?
While among the paths to become a programmer is to get a degree in computer science, still you can be one without having one. There are tons of programming jobs that are not requiring a diploma in such. Rather, employers are after the person’s coding abilities. What this means is, even though having a degree can give you an edge, it is not necessary.
Besides, there are plenty of alternatives that can help you still land a job despite of not having a degree. This includes getting a certificate or license on certain fields like software development, cybersecurity, and whatnot. If your resume carries relevant certificates you are applying for, then the network security management for instance will most likely give you an opportunity to work for them.